Open laptop with cup of coffe


Take a few minutes to learn new tips and techniques for managing the challenges of daily life—from relationships to finance to just making time for yourself. All webinars are free and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Upcoming live webinars are listed below.
  • Closed captioning will be linked before the webinar date and time. 
  • Play prior webinars anytime on the Webinar Recordings page.
  • HIP Points - Receive 250 HIP points for watching live or recorded webinars. Learn more on the HIP Points for Webinars page.
Two people discussing personal finances

Live virtual sessions held at 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM!

Are you saving enough for your future?
Learn about the Supplemental
457 Deferred Compensation Savings
Plan! This plan will help supplement your

Woman painting

Looking to de-stress, improve your focus, and feel better about yourself?

Photo of the dish.

Learn to make this spicy and tangy summer dish inspired by the classic Mexican street food, elote!

Two people discussing personal finances

Live virtual sessions held at 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM!

Are you saving enough for your future?
Learn about the Supplemental
457 Deferred Compensation Savings
Plan! This plan will help supplement your

Photo of the dish.

Elevate your summer dining by learning to make these cherry-braised short ribs!

Woman with credit card

Learn what good credit means and tips to improve your credit score!



umbrella on beach

For employees considering retirement within 12 months, join us for our monthly pre-retirement webinars. The webinar will help you better prepare for your future retirement by helping you better

Two people discussing personal finances

Live virtual sessions held at 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM!

Are you saving enough for your future?
Learn about the Supplemental
457 Deferred Compensation Savings
Plan! This plan will help supplement your

Two people discussing personal finances

Live virtual sessions held at 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM!

Are you saving enough for your future?
Learn about the Supplemental
457 Deferred Compensation Savings
Plan! This plan will help supplement your

HIP and Virgin Pulse logos stacked

Join us for a full tour of the Virgin Pulse platform so you can get the most out of the HIP program and earn up to $200!

No pre-registration is needed; simply add the meeting to your calendar and

Photo of the dish.

This is THE late summer dinner: tender, lemon-scented veal, breaded and fried to perfection, paired with slow cooked, in-their-prime tomatoes. All that AND potato salad, what else could you want!

Two people discussing personal finances

Live virtual sessions held at 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM!

Are you saving enough for your future?
Learn about the Supplemental
457 Deferred Compensation Savings
Plan! This plan will help supplement your

man painting

Learn how to enhance your creativity at home and work!

Two people discussing personal finances

Live virtual sessions held at 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM!

Are you saving enough for your future?
Learn about the Supplemental
457 Deferred Compensation Savings
Plan! This plan will help supplement your

umbrella on beach

For employees considering retirement within 12 months, join us for our monthly pre-retirement webinars. The webinar will help you better prepare for your future retirement by helping you better

Social Security Application Form

Learn essential claiming strategies and considerations, plus Medicare facts in this webinar!

HIP and Virgin Pulse logos stacked

Join us for a full tour of the Virgin Pulse platform so you can get the most out of the HIP program and earn up to $200!

No pre-registration is needed; simply add the meeting to your calendar and

umbrella on beach

For employees considering retirement within 12 months, join us for our monthly pre-retirement webinars. The webinar will help you better prepare for your future retirement by helping you better

umbrella on beach

For employees considering retirement within 12 months, join us for our monthly pre-retirement webinars. The webinar will help you better prepare for your future retirement by helping you better