Diabetes Prevention & Management


Diabetes prevention and management programs address major health concerns by providing the support and tools necessary to improve health, experience positive outcomes, and achieve personal health goals. We offer the "Am I Hungry?" program, as outlined below.


Program Focus

Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes Management

Program Description

This program empowers you to take charge of your eating decisions, helping you move away from restrictive dieting while managing emotional and mindless eating. The goal is to optimize blood sugar management.

Format & Tools

  • Self-paced online classes
  • Weekly inspirational emails
  • Q&A forum
  • Member portal with chat groups for support
  • Mobile app


  • 6 online classes, 1 hour each
  • Self-paced learning


  • Employee Cost: $179 for six classes
  • $129 rebate if you join the ASU research study, bringing your total to $50


Completion Definition

  • Earn 2,000 HIP points by completing all six sessions and the quiz.


  • Benefits-eligible employees, spouses, and dependents age 18+
  • Must be enrolled in a State medical plan
  • Must meet program eligibility requirements

Additional Information