Diabetes Prevention & Management


Diabetes prevention and management programs address major health concerns by providing the support and tools necessary to improve your health, experience positive outcomes, and achieve your personal health goals.


Two programs are offered, so you can choose the one that suits your lifestyle and goals. | Flyer





Focus Pre-Diabetes Pre-Diabetes + Diabetes Management
Description Developed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), this lifestyle change program helps you reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes by teaching you new skills for losing weight, becoming more physically active, and reducing stress. Puts you in charge of your eating decisions to stop restrictive dieting while curbing mindless and emotional eating for optimal blood sugar management.
Format & Tools
  • In-person weekly group meetings
  • Trained lifestyle coach
  • CDC-approved curriculum
  • Group support
  • Self-paced online classes
  • Weekly inspirational email
  • Q&A forum
  • Member Portal
  • Mobile app
  • 12 months, 26 classes, 1 hour each.
  • Starts weekly, then bi-weekly, then monthly.
  • 6 online classes, 1 hour each.
  • Self-paced classes.
Employee Cost
  • $0 - full program for all eligible participants (see below)
  • Funded by the UA Cooperative Extension and the UA College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
  • $179 - 6 classes
  • $129 rebate if you join the ASU research study
  • Cost per participant, paid by the employee
Registration http://preventdiabetesaz.org/find-a-class http://amihungry.com/state-of-arizona-diabetes-class-online/
Completion Definition
  • 2,000 HIP points* earned after 16 sessions completed
  • 2,000 HIP points* earned after 6 sessions + quiz completed
  • Benefits-eligible employees, spouses, and dependents age 18+ 
  • Must be enrolled in a State medical plan
  • Must meet program eligibility requirements
  • Benefits-eligible employees, spouses, and dependents age 18+ 
  • Must be enrolled in a State medical plan
  • Must meet program eligibility requirements
*To register for HIP (Health Impact Program) and earn up to a $200 annual incentive, visit join.virginpulse.com. See program rules on wellness.az.gov/hip.