Man giving blood holding a heart-shaped squeeze ball
Blood Drives

Blood Drives

Donors go to and choose "Donate Now."

  • Under the "City, State, ZIP" box, select the "Blood Drive Code" button and enter your blood drive code: AZAdmin. 
  • Then click "Find Location" to see the AZ Dept of Administration events.

Returning donors with an account - log in and schedule their appointments.

Returning donors who haven't set up their donor account yet:

  • From the home page, click "Create an Account."
  • Click "Get Started" in the box with the headline "Donated at a Vitalant blood drive or donation center before?"
  • Enter the date of birth and email address (the same one given to Vitalant at the last donation) and click "Create Account."
  • An email from Vitalant will automatically be sent to the donor with a link to click to activate the new account and set up a password.

For new donors

  • From the home page, click "Login" and then "Create an Account."
  • Click "Get Started" in the box with "First time donating at a Vitalant blood drive or donation center?"
  • Complete all fields and click "Submit."
  • An email from Vitalant will automatically be sent to the donor with a link to click to activate the new account and set up a password.

 Here are all the upcoming blood drives for State employees. You are welcome to attend any blood drive event, even if it is not at your home agency. 

Date Time Start End Address City Book
5/6/25 Dept of Administration 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 100 N. 15th Ave Phoenix BOOK
8/5/25 Dept of Administration 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 100 N. 15th Ave Phoenix BOOK
11/4/25 Dept of Administration 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 101 N. 15th Ave Phoenix BOOK

Donor Eligibility Link:

Donor Eligibility Phone: 877-258-4825

Donor Preparation

  • The #1 donation deferral for women is low iron. Women should begin eating iron-rich foods.
  • Three days before donation, increase water intake – hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
  • Eat before donation (no fasting).
  • Bring a photo ID with your first and last names.
  • Visit the restroom before beginning the donation process.
  • Donors may take their health history on the day of donations by using the Fast Track system. 

Fast Track Health History Questionnaire  

  • Save 20 minutes at the donation center by filling out your health history.
  • Log in on the day of the donation and follow the prompts. When completed, print out the boarding pass or snap a picture of the QR code for our staff to scan.
  • The medication deferral list can also be found here.

After you have made your blood donation, take the following steps:

  • Login to your HIP app or the HIP website at
  • Click Home > Rewards > Participation 
  • Fill out the Blood Donor Attestation Form with your name and the date of donation. 
  • You can receive 500 HIP points per year for donating blood in any form (including plasma).