Mini-Health Screening Events

Choose the event you wish to attend and click the appointment link. Learn more about mini-health screenings at

Event Date Event Time Agency City Address Room Screening Appointment Link
- ASPC Eyman Florence 4374 E. Butte Ave. Training Building- Large Classroom
- DES Tucson Tucson 1455 S. Alvernon Way, Suite 201 Santa Rita Conference Room
- DES Surprise Surprise 11526 W. Bell Rd. Interview Rooms 1-4
- DES Prescott Valley Prescott Valley 3262 Bob Dr. Yavapai Room
- ADOT Yuma Yuma 2243 E. Gila Ridge Rd. Yuma District Office- Conference Room
- DES Yuma Yuma 1800 E Palo Verde St Conference Room 82
- ADOT Tucson Tucson 1444 W. Grant Rd.
- AHCCCS/DES Casa Grande Casa Grande 555 W. Main Ave. Large Conference Room
- DOE Phoenix (North Bldg.) - CLOSED EVENT Phoenix 100 N 15th Ave Room 101
- GFD Flagstaff Flagstaff 3500 Lake Mary Rd. Conference Room
- DEQ/DWR Phoenix Phoenix 1110 W. Washington St. Conference Room 3175
- DEMA Camp Navajo Camp Navajo 1 Hughes Ave. Building 4, OOD Conference Room
- ADOT Phoenix HRDC Phoenix 1130 N. 22nd Ave. Grand Canyon Rooms 1-3
- ASPC St. Johns St. Johns 38322 US Highway 180 Visitation Room
- DOC Phoenix - CLOSED EVENT Phoenix 701 E Jefferson St. 3rd Floor Large Conference Room #332
- ASDB Tucson - CLOSED EVENT Tucson 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. Small Gym
- GFD Phoenix Phoenix 5000 W. Carefree Highway Eagle Room
- ADOT Globe Globe 1900 N Hwy 60 Globe Area Office Conference Room
- ASPC Winslow Winslow 2100 S. Highway 87 Coronado Visitation Room
- ASPC Douglas Douglas 6911 N. BDI Blvd. Admin Building, Warden's Conference Room